Department of Risk Analysis and Biodosimetry

Research Overview

Chromosomes are the carriers of genes and formed by DNA, RNA, and nucleoproteins, and can be observed during cell division. The number and shapes of chromosomes are specific to each living species, and changes in these numbers and shapes are called as chromosomal abnormalities. These result in abnormality in characteristics, and are thought to cause congenital disorders and cell diseases such as cancer. Chromosomal abnormality is also induced by radiation and carcinogenic substances. Especially with regards to radiation exposure, a correlation between frequency of chromosomal abnormality and the radiation dose has been shown. This correlation has been used to estimate the amount of exposure experienced by persons involved in a radiation accident. The Department of Risk Analysis and Biodosimetry promotes basic research in cancer-promoting mechanisms caused by radiation, as well as the analysis of chromosomal abnormality induced by radiation. in order to develop and improve a fast and highly accurate cytogenetic assessment method of radiation doses. Moreover, we support Namie Town, which was damaged by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster following the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Fig. 1 Chromosomal abnormality induced by radiation (marked by arrow) Fig. 2 Chromosomal translocation analysis by the chromosomal painting method

Department Organization

  • • Professor Miura Tomisato
  • • Assistant Professor Fujishima Yohei
  • • Technical Assistants Sato yuki

Current Research Themes

A. Namie Town Reconstruction Support Project
  1. Assessment of initial exposure dose in children under the age of 18 years which is indicated by chromosomal abnormality January 2013~
  2. Radiation effect survey targeting wild animals (mice, fish, monkeys, raccoons, etc.) Fall, 2011~ (Joint research with Tohoku University, Niigata University, and Hokkaido University of Science)
  3. Internal exposure test of pets affected by the disaster November 2013~
B. Basic Research Projects
  1. Studies on the biological dose assessment method in emergency medical care / medical exposure / occupational exposure
    • ・High throughput and automation of biological dose assessment
    • ・Development of new method for biological dosimetry
  2. Evaluation of occupational and medical exposures based on chromosomal aberrations Study on individual radiosensitivity
    • ・Search for individual radiation sensitivity factors
  3. 3. Analysis of the effects of metabolic syndrome on individual radiosen sitivityon radiation effects on germline cells
    • ・Development of cytogenetic analysis in testis
    • ・Analysis of radiation effects on germ cells in chronically exposed animals

Laboratory / equipment

Fig. 3 Site genetic automated scanning system Fig. 4 Equipment for automated cell immobilization, equipment for automated preparation of chromosome samples

Recent Projects

  1. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “Study on biological effects of dual stress of radiation exposure and diabetes” Research representative: Tomisato Miura (2019-2021)
  2. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “Investigation of the effects of low-dose-rate radiation on planaria inhabiting Namie Town, Fukushima” Research contributor: Tomisato Miura (2019-2021)
  3. Promotion of Join International Research (B), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “Investigations of the effect of the world’s highest level of natural radioactivity on reproductive activity of wild and domestic animals in Kerala, India” Research contributor: Tomisato Miura (2019-2022)
  4. The Center of World Intelligence Project for Nuclear S&T and Human Resource Development, “A multidimensional approach for elucidation of radiation effects by using animal models” Research representative: Tomisato Miura (2017-2019)
  5. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “Application of a cell cycle progression index for radiation sensitivity evaluation and clarification of background factors which influence chromosomal aberration frequency” Research representative: Tomisato Miura (2014-2016)
  6. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “Establishment of new high-accuracy chromosome dose evaluation method applying cell synchronization and FISH method” Research representative: Mitsuaki Yoshida (2016-2018)
  7. Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “Is there any need for establish an X-ray standard calibration curve for metabolic syndrome” Research representative: Tomisato Miura (2016-2018)

Department characteristics, etc.

1. Main installed apparatus and equipment

  • • Automated cell fixing apparatus, automated chromosome sample preparation equipment, biohazard clean bench (3 units)
  • • Site genetic automated scanning system (3 units)
  • • Re-location microscope system (1 unit)

2. Domestic and international cooperative relationships

  • • Member of Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness (REMPAN), World Health Organization (WHO)
  • • Scientific Committee of IABERD (International Association of Biological and EPR Radiation Dosimetry)