“The 6th Bilateral Workshop on Radiation Research and its related issues 2023” was held in Thailand.


 The 6th Bilateral Workshop on Radiation Research and its related issues 2023″ was held at the Office of Atoms for Peace(OAP)of Thailand from December 6 (Wed.) to 7 (Thu.), 2023. Participants included over 50 faculty members and students from Hirosaki University, Yamagata University, Kindai University, Kasetsart University, Chulalongkorn University, Khon Kaen University, and OAP. Dr. Kashiwakura, Special Assistant to the University President; Dr. Tokonami, Director of the Institute of Radiation Emergency Medicine; Dr. Sugihara, Director of the International Cooperation Division; along with seven other faculty members and seven students from the Graduate School of Health Sciences, participated in the workshop from our university. They introduced their research and engaged in lively discussions. After the workshop, a tour of the OAP facilities was conducted, where participants eagerly asked questions to the presenters.

 On December 8 (Wed.), 2023, a signing ceremony for an interdepartmental agreement between the Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT) and Institute of Radiation Emergency Medicine was held at the headquarters of TINT, followed by a facility tour. The IREM has previously invited the TINT staff to conduct experiments and in discussions. With the conclusion of this interdepartmental agreement, we anticipate the promotion of additional joint research. In addition, it has been decided that the 7th Bilateral Workshop on Radiation Research will be held in December 2024, hosted by TINT.


Commemorative photo of workshop participants

Commemorative photo of the TINT signing ceremony

Commemorative photo of OAP facility tour
